Natural Protein supplements, also known as plant-based supplements contain high quality protein, composed of all the essential amino acids and can be derived from whey, milk caseins, pea protein, rice protein or soy.

Plant-based proteins provide all the amino acids you need to build muscle. They provide an excellent alternative to dairy-based proteins, i.e. whey and casein proteins. Vegan/plant-based proteins are natural and easily digestible. They are also more alkalising than other types of protein. Too much acidity can lead to joint aches and pains, calcium leaching from the bones and can thwart your weight loss efforts.

Plant Proteins are suitable for anyone looking for a high-quality protein source that is free of animal products and they are designed to provide high-quality protein from ethically sourced ingredients.

White Wolf Nutrition - Plant Protein Custard (850g)
Sale Price: $74.95 Original Price: $89.95